Our Year of

Raising Ordinary people to fulfill extraordinary purpose

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Believing in

God's Word

and Spirit

To build a church with city and national impact which is exalting the values of the kingdom of God above other values, thereby raising men of integrity, power and exploits for our God.

you are always welcome here!

Pastors Seyi & Mope Oluwasola serve as Senior Pastors at The City of Refuge-Melbourne. A Prophetic and Apostolic Church with a goal to impact and change the city of Melbourne and impact the nations for Jesus. Seyi Oluwasola is a man anointed of God to present the truth of God’s word with simplicity, accuracy and signs following. He is widely travelled, ministering, preaching and teaching the Word in the nations. They live in the city of Melbourne, Australia with their family.

Pastor Seyi Oluwasola Image
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Senior Pastors


Audio Messages

Listen to latest TCR messages on Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and more. New episodes each Monday at 7:00PM.

Our Location

The Campus

40-42 Garden Drive, Tullamarine, Victoria 3043
Service time:

Sunday 10.00am

we would love to see you!